Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Happy Birthday to our Wonderful Savior Jesus Christ! Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord

He was born to die so that we might have eternal life! All that place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ will be saved. Romans 10:9 -That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

Thank you Lord for taking my sin on the cross, I love you!

Dashing through the snow!
(Sunkiss playing the part of a reindeer or some other kind of animal that pull sleighs, lol)

Sunkiss and Pyro above

Sanchez in front of the little Christmas tree

(You can get a calendar with Sunkiss and Pyro on it and note-cards at )

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Single factor sun conure- young

(He will get even more red the older he gets and the more he molts)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How to weigh your parrot

I'm sure there are many ways to weigh parrots. Here is just a cheap tip. I use a gram food scale from Walmart that didn't cost much. With a little treat bribery the birdies don't take too long to weigh. Also, healthy Sun Conures should weigh between 100 -120 grams. Weighing your parrots often can ensure that their health is prime. If you notice a significant drop in weight it could be a sign of illness. Though, don't worry if your birds weight fluctuates a gram or two. Sunkiss sometimes will weigh 10 grams heavier when she is close to laying eggs.
Remember every species have their own healthy weight range so make sure you know what your parrot should weigh.

Red Factor Sun Conures Sunkiss, Pyro, and Sanchez

Align Center
Sunkiss (front)

Pyro and Sunkiss making shadow puppets! :)

Sunkiss and Pyro's backs


Sanchez was hatched three days before my daughter was born. Enjoy the pictures of this little one. It looks a little different because it is going through a molt and still quite young. In a couple years this youngster will look like Sunkiss and Pyro!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

_ Red Factor Sun Conures _

Red Factor sun conures, Pyro above and Sunkiss below, have just been let out of their cage this week after setting on eggs. They look more red than ever. 8-6-2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Sunkiss!

Friday, July 16, 2010

International Conure Association

ICA 2010 Conure Photo Calendar

Sunkiss and Pyro won a place in a contest and are on the ICA photo calendar and note cards. Your able to purchase them at the link above. I think the money might go to conure conservation.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Red factor Sun Conure on eggs #3

Sunkiss is on eggs again! She laid her 1st one Sunday June 27, 2010. She typically will lay one every 3 days until there are 3 eggs. Guess we will see what happens this time :)

The picture is from just minutes before Sunkiss laid. Pictured is Sunkiss on the left, Pyro on the right, and my 3 month old Amira.

I will candle the eggs in a week or so.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sunkiss is on eggs again

Sunkiss is currently on eggs again, can't wait to see if we have any chicks this year!

Poor Pyro behind bars until the eggs hatch

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Conure Hybrids

Nanday Conure

crossed with a

Sun Conure

equals a

Nansun Conure

Blue Crowned Conure crossed with a Nanday Conure
(now this is something that I have just seen 4 days ago, these two birds below were suppose to be paired with their same kind but when separated they stopped eating. So, the breeder put them back together and let them go at it and the two pictures under them are two different chicks from their clutches (not exactly chicks they are around 7 years old)

Chick #1 BlueDay Conure, NanCrowned? lol I don't know what to call it

Different Chick #2

And its somewhat common to see Jenday and Sun Conure crosses and the chicks look similar to both, but at this past Atlanta Bird Fair one breeder said that they knew of Sun Conure Green Cheek hybrids....
Is is possible? I'm eager to find or take a picture.

Many breeders do not like or condone the mixing of conure species. Making mix breeds on purpose. It can ruin the purebreds if there become lots of mixing, and others may say that it can cause bad health or genetic problems.
Others think its quite neat to mix the species. So far in avian culture hybrids seem to be sold for lots less than purebreds, unlike designer dogs these days like when you cross a yorkie and poodle (yorkiepoo) you get more money for the mutt.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Flight Photos

Though not very easily attained, here are a few photos of our red factor sun conures in flight :) enjoy!

Our little bat bird lol

Monday, February 15, 2010

Red Factor Sun Conure Siblings

Hello everyone,

I have just around 7 weeks before our little daughter is born and I was looking for some advice on raising a human baby with parrots. I know parrots, especially sun conures, can be very loud and somewhat possessive. So if any one has had some experience in this area please let me know any tips, thanks!
My red factor sun conures are both 2 years old. The male is easy going but my female is a bit more bonded to me and a little possessive.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Beautiful Red Factor Sun Conures

Sunkiss and Pyro next to a mirror. Pyro on the left :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Birdie Fun

Sunkiss and Pyro playing on the table where the candy is this past week, and a video of them from right before Christmas with their new toys.